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WhiteHouse is a Hybrid Model incorporating both Betting and Poll results in one site to make better predictions about elections than simple polling.

News Stories

Supreme Court to review Trump's eligibility to be on ballot.
This case has raised important constitutional questions and has the potential to set a precedent that could impact the fundamental nature of American electoral politics.
The Pivotal Role of the Iowa Republican Caucus in Shaping Presidential Politics Introduction
The Iowa Republican Caucus, often heralded as the first major electoral event of the presidential nomination process in the United States, carries a weight far exceeding its geographical size.
The Iowa Gamble: Assessing Trump's Road to Victory in the Heartland Introduction
In the heartland of America, Iowa stands as a pivotal battleground state. Known for its political unpredictability and significance in the election cycle,
Triumph in Iowa: The Story of Trump's Caucus Victory
Across the state, in school gyms and community centers, Iowans gathered to participate in the time-honored tradition of the caucus. Unlike a primary, where voting is done via secret ballot, Iowans would physically group themselves to show support for a candidate, engaging in open debate and persuasion. It was a process rooted in community and discussion, seemingly at odds with Trump's larger-than-life persona and media-centric campaign.

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