Pelosi Tells Biden He Cannot Win

The political landscape for the Democratic Party has been shaken by reports that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden that he cannot win the upcoming 2024 presidential election. This revelation, coming from a top White House source, has sent ripples through the party and intensified discussions about Biden’s viability as a candidate.

Pelosi’s Concerns and Biden’s Response

According to sources, Pelosi expressed to Biden that polling data indicates he cannot defeat former President Donald Trump in the November 5 election. She also warned that his candidacy could negatively impact Democratic control of the House.

 The conversation reportedly left Biden defensive, highlighting the tension surrounding this sensitive issue within the party.Pelosi’s main concern appears to be centered on the potential impact of Biden’s candidacy on down-ballot races, particularly in swing districts.

The former Speaker, known for her focus on maintaining a Democratic majority in the House, is said to be worried that Biden’s poor polling numbers could lead to significant losses in competitive House races.

Growing Pressure Within the Democratic Party

Pelosi’s private conversation with Biden is not an isolated incident. Other prominent Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and former President Barack Obama, have also reportedly expressed doubts about Biden’s chances of success in the upcoming election

This collective pressure from party leaders signals a significant shift in the Democratic strategy as they grapple with the challenge of maintaining their hold on the White House.The concerns about Biden’s candidacy have been further amplified by his recent debate performance against Trump, which was widely perceived as lackluster. This event has led to increased scrutiny of Biden’s ability to effectively lead the party and the country for another term.

Potential Alternatives and Party Divisions

As doubts about Biden’s electability grow, discussions within the Democratic Party have turned to potential alternatives. Some party leaders are reportedly considering Vice President Kamala Harris as a possible replacement candidate. While Harris’s current popularity may not be significantly higher than Biden’s, some Democrats believe she has more potential for growth and could present a fresher face for the party.Other names being floated as potential replacements include:

  1. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
  2. California Governor Gavin Newsom
  3. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
  4. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
  5. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker

Each of these potential candidates brings their own strengths and weaknesses to the table, but none have undergone the rigorous vetting process typically associated with a presidential campaign.

The Challenges of Replacing Biden

While discussions about replacing Biden are gaining traction, the process of actually doing so would be complex and potentially divisive. For Biden to be replaced, he would need to voluntarily step down, which seems unlikely given his reported defensiveness to Pelosi’s concerns.

If Biden were to step down before the Democratic National Convention in August, it could lead to a contested convention scenario. In this case, multiple candidates would vie for the nomination in what Elaine Kamarck, an expert on Democratic Party procedures, describes as a “mini-primary”.

If Biden were to step down after the convention, the Democratic National Committee would convene to select a new nominee. This process, while provided for in party rules, could be seen as less democratic and potentially alienating to voters who participated in the primary process.

Impact on Down-Ballot Races

One of the primary concerns driving the discussions about Biden’s candidacy is the potential impact on down-ballot races. Democrats are worried that Biden’s poor polling numbers could lead to losses in competitive House and Senate races.

A Democratic aide quoted in the Reuters article highlighted this concern, stating, “If the (opinion poll) numbers are accurate that Biden has cratered so much in the swing districts (with competitive House races) that he can’t conceivably win and he’s falling behind Hillary’s 2016 numbers, you would need a historic level of ticket splitting for … our candidates to have any chance of winning”.

The Path Forward

Despite the growing concerns and discussions about potential replacements, the path forward for the Democratic Party remains uncertain. Many party leaders, including California Governor Gavin Newsom, continue to publicly support Biden and dismiss suggestions of his resignation as unhelpful and unnecessary.

The Biden campaign, for its part, continues to project confidence. Campaign officials have emphasized Biden’s track record of defeating Trump and his positive vision for America’s future. However, the persistent doubts about his candidacy and the growing calls for change within the party suggest that the coming weeks and months will be crucial for Biden and the Democratic Party as a whole.


The revelation of Pelosi’s private conversation with Biden marks a critical moment for the Democratic Party as it prepares for the 2024 election. It reflects growing concerns within the party about Biden’s electability and signals a potential shift in strategy. As Democrats grapple with this challenging situation, they must balance the need for a strong candidate who can effectively challenge the opposition with the risks associated with replacing an incumbent president.

The coming weeks will likely see intense discussions and potential changes in the party’s approach to the presidential race. Whether Biden remains the nominee or the party opts for a change, the Democrats face a challenging road ahead as they seek to maintain control of the White House and compete effectively in down-ballot races across the country.