What Happened at Day 2 of RNC

Day 2 of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was a pivotal moment for the Republican Party, marked by a strong focus on party unity, law enforcement, and immigration issues.

The event saw former rivals rallying behind Donald Trump and a concerted effort to present a unified front against the Biden administration. Here is a detailed account of the key events and themes that defined the day.

Key Endorsements

One of the most significant developments of the day was the public endorsement of Donald Trump by his former rivals for the Republican presidential nomination. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, both of whom had previously criticized Trump, threw their support behind him.DeSantis delivered a fiery opening speech, urging the crowd to “send Joe Biden back to his basement, and let’s send Donald Trump back to the White House.”

He added, “Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a tool for imposing a leftist agenda on the American people” . Haley, despite her past criticisms of Trump as “too old,” also endorsed him, stating, “You don’t have to agree with Trump 100 percent of the time to vote for him” . Her endorsement was met with a mix of cheers and boos, reflecting the complex dynamics within the party.

Focus on Immigration and Border Control

Immigration and border control emerged as top priorities on the Republican agenda. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas peppered his speech with stories of undocumented immigrants who were criminal suspects, emphasizing the need for stricter border policies.

Cruz, who had previously described Trump as a “pathological liar,” appeared to have reconciled with him, opening his speech by praising Trump and using religious overtones, “God bless Donald J Trump!” .

Cruz highlighted his collaboration with Trump during his presidency to secure the border, claiming they achieved the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. However, some fact-checkers have disputed these claims, pointing out discrepancies in the data . The theme of being “tough on crime” was repeated throughout the day, with speakers accusing Democrats of being “soft on crime.”

Law Enforcement and Crime

The convention highlighted emotional stories related to crime and law enforcement. Madeline Brame, whose son was killed in a stabbing in Harlem in 2018, criticized New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, accusing him of having a lenient stance on crime.

Bragg, a Democrat, had successfully prosecuted Trump on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, making him a focal point of criticism during the convention .

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who also ran against Trump for the Republican nomination in 2016, continued the praise of Trump while calling for a tougher stance on crime. “It is time to put our country and our people first again, and if we do it together, we will make our people wealthy again.

If we do it together, we will make our country safe again. Together we will make Donald Trump our president again, and together we will make America great again,” Rubio declared .

Trump’s Assassination Attempt

The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania was also addressed. Trump made a striking appearance at the convention, sporting a bandage on his right ear from the injury sustained during the attempt.

He was met with fervent applause from GOP delegates as he took to the stage to the tune of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” .Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law and co-chair of the Republican National Committee, discussed the aftermath of the shooting in her closing speech.

She emphasized the need for unity, stating, “Last Saturday reminded us that we Americans must remember that there is more that unites us than divides us.” She also highlighted the positive aspects of Trump’s presidency, saying, “Now you don’t have to admit that you like everything that he tweets, but Americans were better off when he was in office” .

Economic Themes and Broader Appeal

While the primary focus of Day 2 was on law and order and immigration, the convention also aimed to convey a more positive and inclusive message to broaden Trump’s appeal among moderate voters and minority groups.

The opening night had centered on economic themes, with speakers described by the Trump campaign as “everyday Americans” touching on issues such as inflation, economic struggles faced by families, and the impact of rising prices on daily life .

Representative Wesley Hunt of Texas highlighted the financial challenges Americans are currently grappling with and advocated for Trump’s return to the White House to address these pressing issues. The event set the stage for a campaign that seeks to strike a balance between showcasing Trump’s achievements and reaching out to a broader spectrum of voters ahead of the upcoming election .

Unifying Message

Throughout the day, speakers worked to present a unified front and a more compassionate image of Donald Trump. The warm reception Trump received underlined the deep affection the party faithful hold for the outsider-turned-establishment figure who has solidified his position within the Republican ranks.

Calls for unity resonated throughout the event, emphasizing the need for the party and the nation to come together for a prosperous future .Lara Trump’s closing remarks encapsulated the unifying message of the day, urging Americans to focus on common ground rather than divisions.

“Americans were better off when he was in office,” she reiterated, calling for unity and collective effort to ensure Trump’s return to the White House .


Day 2 of the RNC successfully brought together former rivals and critics of Trump, presenting a united Republican front heading into the 2024 election. The focus on law and order, immigration, and critiques of the current administration set the stage for the remainder of the convention and the upcoming campaign season. The event underscored the party’s commitment to addressing key issues facing the nation while rallying behind a common goal: the re-election of Donald Trump.